Friday, June 29, 2007



I never really intended for the snake to become a recurring character. I just love the way Devil Dog and Vincent react to him/her! (Here, here, and here.)

"Him/her" is right folks. I never even assigned gender!

So I leave it up to you, the readers of this comic strip to NAME THE CAVE SNAKE!

Here are the rules:

1) Enter as often as you like.

2) The name must have some significance to the strip itself, the pop culture/politics the strip references, or in some personal way. (i.e., naming the Snake "Milla," "Shaun," or "Romero.")

3) You must explain the significance of the name as succinctly as possible in the comments section below. (i.e. "For some reason this strip references zombie movies every now and then. So I propose you pay homage to the king of zombie movies, George Romero, by naming the snake 'Romero.'")

THE CATCH: I will reveal the winner of this contest in THE NEXT "UP TO BAT" STRIP! And I'm planning on uploading the strip on Monday of next week. Holy cow! That's not a lot of time!

TO THE WINNER: I'm not sure. Maybe the warm satisfaction of besting others? Don't worry, I'll come up with something lame.

Get cracking! The snake won't name him/herself!


Pamela Moore said...

Slimy, because people think snakes are slimy when they're really not.

Scaly, because snakes are.

Doodlesnake, because Felicity would want it that way.

Samuel L. Snake, because this one is too obvious.

Snake Ex Machina.

Jennifer, because that's the coffee shop where you first started posting your strips.

Garrick said...

Cleopatra -- Which is either a reference to Shakespeare or a tribute to Tamara Dobson.

Venti -- Who could hate a snake named after the largest single serving of coffee a person can buy?

Monty -- This one works if the snake is a python, not so much if it isn't.

Muffy -- An awesome, non-frightening name (at least for people with no horrible sorority flashbacks).

Belinda -- Not only is this the name our daughter chose for her fish, it means "Beautiful Serpent" in Old German.

Hugs -- What better name for a constrictor?

How about something in 1337? "M3L1$$$$$@" would work.

Anonymous said...

Doodlesnake or Snakeydoodle

Pamela Moore said...

I've always thought Lola was a nice name, just for scuz.

Reginald is a nice name for a servant, and our snake friend serves to forward or delay the plot.

Thomas Jefferson would be a great political name.

Cheese Pizza after the giraffe.

Cheese Sandwich after Bryce.

Podkayne. Nerd.

John Carter of Mars.

The Moon is a Harsh Mattress.

Very Own. Oh wait, you said I couldn't name my dog Very Own and I did it anyway. :P

Snape (the reason is too obvious).

Robert is a nice regal name, wouldn't you agree? I've met a nice Robert or two in my day.

James Van Der Beek. Wait, that's taken.

Robin, because he hangs out in the Bat Cave. Ha!

Sleep-n-eat after one of the greatest movies to star Savion Glover.

Keanu is a nice name, and the snake must act with speed.

Thor is a bold and heroic name.

Narcissus is nice. Would work well with the ssssnakey sssounds.

Snake Grohl. See your other blog for the why.

Finally, Snakey McSnake is a great name.

Anonymous said...

Coaxoch – Aztec – Serpent Flower – Female

Tanis – Greek – Serpent – Female

Tezcacoatal – Aztec – Serpent King – Male

And those Aztec names are impossible to pronounce. So, I would think I nickname would be in order.

Nero said...











