Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I'm one to bitch, huh? Hell, maybe I should go to work for Marvel! I have a great idea for a "Howard the Duck" story arc ...


Anonymous said...

Did George Lucas ever do anything besides Howard the Duck? I thought it was gripping.
Tim Robbins has never made a finer film.

Andrew Moore said...

I'm not sure. I think Lucas is one of those "one-hit wonders" like that jewish guy who made Hook. What's his name. Spiel-something.

Robbins ... Was he the dark overlord guy? You know, Ferris Bueller's principal.

Now, as for Howard the Duck, he's one of those characters who destiny smiles upon. (Like that upstart from Krypton with an odd assortment of super powers. Who ever thought I guy with a stupid name like "Superman" would ever amount to anything?) If you ask me, I think Howard's finest moments were his appearances in the "What The ...?!?" series, followed closely by his stint as She Hulk's sidekick.

Anonymous said...

His Civil War tie-in seemed a touch "phoned in" by Marvel. They need to have him kill Thor or something.

Andrew Moore said...

I think you're on to something here. The whole thing was started by Speedball. WTF? So why not have another irrelevant character end it? Howard the Duck kills Thor. That's brilliant.

Yeah, that one-shot "Choosing Sides" comic sucked big time. It included a General Hospital cross-over for crying out loud!

Is Marvel being run by Speedball?